3 Key Steps to Improve Your English

September 13, 2021

Learning a language takes great effort, even if you can speak it and have been using it for most of your life. The English subject may not involve complicated formulas or chemical compositions, but it is just as necessary to your growth—and possibly even more so than your other subjects!

English Is Essential

Knowing your ABC’s is one of the foundations in studying the English language, but your learning doesn’t stop there! Like Math and Science, English has its own complexities, and whether you’re familiar with them or not, chances are, your reading comprehension and writing skills aren’t as polished and great as you’d like them to be.

Of course, specific courses can also help you make your ambition a tangible reality, but that doesn’t make English an inferior subject. No matter the path you wish to traverse in life, you will undoubtedly need to be fluent in English.

Speaking and writing doesn’t just allow you to communicate with others in your daily life—correct and clever use of the right words and sentences can serve as your building blocks to unbelievable growth and eventual success.

Studying English the Right Way

English isn’t as simple to learn as absorbing information in a classroom or enrolling in advanced tutoring—learning doesn’t stop beyond the walls of your school or once the duration of your high school tutoring session has concluded. Like any subject or skill, learning English takes consistent practice and work.

If you’re not sure how to practice your English on your own, just read on below:

  1. Personalise your learning.

Although every student has the same curriculum and studies the same subjects, some will have doubts after a class, and others would understand what’s been taught instantly. Just because you aren’t progressing as much as your friend or classmate doesn’t mean that you’re lagging; it just means that you have a different learning style from them.

Discovering your learning style is crucial to be proficient in the English subject. There is no one-size-fits-all approach—find out the best way to learn so that you can understand yourself better and have a more enjoyable learning experience.

  1. Read as much as you can.

There is great joy and many benefits to reading. Whether it be a classic, paperback, newspaper, or email, reading any type of English content is a rich source of familiar and new words. The more you read, the more comprehensive your vocabulary and understanding of grammar can become.

We recommend reading short stories told in various tenses to learn about new expressions and improve your grammar. Don’t just read and move on! Make sure to take note of new vocabulary so that you can use it accurately next time.

  1. Write, write, write!

Writing is one of the best ways to practice your English and test out the new words and expressions you’ve learned. You don’t have to write a long essay like in school—an observational journal is enough to expand your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills. Go to places you enjoy and describe what you see or experience.


English is an essential part of learning that could help you grow and develop into the person you’re aiming to be! With regular tutoring and practice, you’ll be able to use the language however you want and use it to your advantage.

Are you looking for HSC tutoring lessons to improve your reading and writing skills? Then, our tutors at Young Growth Academy may be able to help! Our tutors will teach you what you need to know and how to think to adapt your solution to different problems through an interactive learning experience. Book your trial today!