4 Steps to Help Prepare Your Child for NAPLAN – Our Guide

September 2, 2019

Throughout a student’s life, it is inevitable that they will undertake many examinations–some more challenging than others. In Australia, children in years 3, 5, 7, and 9 typically take the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). For children in years 3 and 5, they will go through a series of four tests that will last for three days, while children in years 7 and 9 will undertake a series of five tests.

NAPLAN is an examination that can help identify the strengths and weaknesses of a student, which is essential in their learning process. From this, parents and teachers can know more about a child in terms of education, which is why it is one of the most important tests children take in Australia.

What makes NAPLAN challenging is that it isn’t part of the curriculum, which leaves little time for children to study. However, you can still take steps to help your child prepare for the exam.

If you are wondering how you can best prepare your child for NAPLAN, here are four ways to do so:

1. Remind your child of the importance of reading

Reading is essential to understanding and interpreting exam-style questions. For this reason, one of the steps that you can take to help your child prepare for the exam is to read at home. Practice reading with your child and see how they comprehend what they read. When your child has excellent reading comprehension, it will help them excel in their NAPLAN and other exams.

2. Talk to your child about time management

Doing practice tests at home to prepare your child for the exam can teach them to manage their time better. If you realize that they are rushing through the practice test, teach your child not to rush but instead to understand each question before they answer. It’s also essential to teach your child not to dwell on a difficult question for too long so that they don’t waste time, and that they can come back to it before they pass the test.

3. Ensure that your child is getting quality sleep

During the preparation period for NAPLAN, remember that it is vital for your child to get quality sleep. Even if it’s exam week, having at least eight hours of sleep will help your child’s brain to be well-rested and perform better on exam day. Set a schedule for studying at home to ensure that your child’s eight-hour sleep will not be interrupted.

4. Consider seeking for tutorial services

There are many NAPLAN tutorial services that you can bring your child to. Know that tutorial facilities have experienced teachers who are better equipped to teach students for their upcoming NAPLAN. Additionally, tutorial services can also mean that your child won’t have to do any more studying when they get home.

At this point, you now know several steps to help prepare your child for their NAPLAN. Remember that there are many tutorial facilities that can help you prepare your child for the exam because adequate preparation is the key to help your child pass the exam. Also, when a child is prepared, they will feel relaxed during the exam. Use the tips above to prepare your child for NAPLAN. It’s your duty as a parent to help your child through the NAPLAN process.

If you’re looking to prepare your child for NAPLAN in Perinth, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.