High School Education - Is Your Child Really Learning?

July 11, 2021

The purpose of having children attend school is to have them learn the skills that they will be needing to succeed later in life. However, since everyone is different, they naturally respond to teaching and instruction differently. While grades are often the go-to indicator in determining whether someone is learning effectively, they cannot be the only way to determine if your child has effectively mastered and learned the material taught to them in the classroom.

Although there are so many certificates, diplomas, and other materials that are supposed to be proof that one has “learned” in the school setting, they do not truly bear witness to what knowledge your teen has really gained. So how can we measure learning?

High School Education: Are You Sure They Are Learning?

When a child starts school, it is understandable that some parents may be concerned about if they are actually learning what is being taught to them. Years later when they enter high school, the same concern still remains. Some parents may have a child who displays signs of high IQ at home but has average grades. They will naturally want to know why their child’s innate intelligence does not automatically translate to exceptionally high marks.

Different Types of Learning

Many people are not aware that the learning process requires different types of learning to be deemed effective. Students are often taught mental concepts and textbook knowledge inside the classroom, and for some, that is enough. However, there are other students that may require the application of this knowledge for them to truly understand the concepts. The constructivist learning theory states that even if one is given information, they need to put this knowledge into practical application to truly be able to learn from it. 

How Can You Be Sure Your Child Is Learning?

This brings us to the question of how teachers and parents can be sure that learning is indeed taking place. The best way to determine if your teen has learned is that they will display signs of understanding. Their behaviour toward the subject matter will change and they will be able to actively participate in conversations about the topic if you ask them about it. 

Grades are considered an inaccurate system of knowledge measurement by many. But are there any alternatives? Aside from the traditional paradigm and school model with quizzes and exams, one other way to do this is to do a “value-added assessment” of the learning. This means looking into the amount of information that the child has now compared to before. If they display signs of retention of what was taught and are able to actively apply this information in real-life situations, it means that they have learned.


When it comes to learning, keep in mind that every person is different. Even if they are given the same information, they may interpret these bits of information differently. However, if they show that they have not only learned the course material but are also able to apply it, you can be sure that the teen is benefiting from the school’s curriculum.

If you need a math high school tutoring program in Penrith for your child, come to Young Growth Academy!  We also offer a range of other subjects, like physics and biology. Enrol your child in our learning programs and see the difference in their understanding and comprehension today!