How to Kick Senioritis to the Curb During Your 12th Year – Our Guide

November 15, 2019

Senioritis — it’s a common phenomenon for students in Year 12 to experience when going through their final year in school. It’s especially intense in the last few months of the school year when you can see the end but you’re not quite there yet. When the school year is drawing to a close, you can lose your motivation to go on and feel tempted to abandon your academic responsibilities. You tend to wonder if your hours of study will be worth it in the end.

If you’re experiencing a case of senioritis and want to get your mojo back, here are some tips that can help you get back on track:

Think of the finish line.

To help you conquer the final stretch, keep your dream course and career at the forefront of your mind. Use them as motivation to propel you to crush your final goals. If the field of study you’re aiming for is particularly difficult to enter, use it to push you to complete your requirements. Strive to do well in a prerequisite subject or target a certain ATAR. Then again, if you feel like you’re trying too hard and on the edge of burn out, take some rest to avoid experiencing health problems. Remind yourself that Year 12 does not dictate the rest of your life even though it seems like it. All this is just temporary.

Fix your revision schedule.

Perhaps the reason why you’re losing motivation is that your current revision schedule no longer works for you. It would be best if you re-assess it and design it to accommodate your needs. You can try to plan it around exam dates or with specific subjects in mind. You may also consider revising some subjects that you feel you can understand more at certain times of the day.

Mix up your study routine.

It’s also possible that your study routine no longer works for you. Maybe merely reading and focusing on learning materials isn’t allowing you to absorb as much information as you can. You can try switching to fun educational techniques like using flashcards or mind maps. You can also opt to write summaries and watching online tutorials to help synthesize the subject matter. You can even ask a friend or family member to get involved, so you can have someone to hold you accountable when you’re trying to retain information.

Take breaks.

When you’re buried deep within your books, it’s easy to forget to take a breather as you feel like you’re running out of time. But you have to remember to take regular breaks to keep your motivation and help with memory retention. It could mean taking a nap, going for a jog, or simply just reading anything other than your study materials. If you try to study for hours straight or attempt to pull all-nighters, your chances of memory retrieval during exams can be much lower than if you follow a schedule with regular breaks.

By following these tips, you can finish Year 12 with flying colours. If you’re struggling with your course material and need a tutor that can help improve your performance in school, get in touch with us to see how we can help.